Thursday, May 23, 2013

Lifestyle: 90's Kid Tag

Lifestyle: 90's Kid Tag

 Hi beauties,
I saw this tag floating around YouTube and blogs, and just HAD to do it! I was born in 1990, and consider the 90's my "golden years"! I love anything and everything 90's and wanted to share this tag with you! 

 The Questions:

1. Favourite TV show
I really liked the original Power Rangers. I have lived in the country my whole life, and we didn't get Disney channel or anything until I was 8 or 9, so until then I LOVED the Power Rangers. In fact, if you had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have told you the Pink Power Ranger!
2. Favourite Toy
No doubt, my BIG WHEEL!

3. favourite commercial
The Sky Dancer Commercial:

The Surge Commercial: (I was obsessed with Surge. It really was the best soda of all time!)

4. Nsync or Backstreet boys
Backstreet Boys :) I saw them in concert last summer with New Kids on the Block. It was magical. Sure, they're almost 40, but they still know how to move! 
5. Weirdest fashion trend
I rocked the HECK out of some overalls. Short overalls, skort overalls, even some green corduroy overalls. I loved them all! 
6. Favourite collectables
I collected so many things - I have always been (and still am) a hoarder pack rat! I collected Beanie Babies, and Lipsmackers lip balms!
7. Favourite beanie baby
Rocky the Raccoon! I got him when I was in the hospital! He was my first and favorite beanie baby!
8. How many tamagotchi's did you go through?
Are tamagotchi and gigapets the same thing? I had to ask my mom about this one because I only remember having one, which was purple and a key chain and I carried it on my backpack. My mom said I had 5 or 6 of them! I have a sister who is 4 years older than me, and I would apparently always take her gigapets. So I would have mine, and hers! haha I guess I had quite the collection. Ooops. ;) 
9. Favourite game console + game
To be honest, I never really had a game console in the 90's. I played outside a lot! 
10. Favourite Disney channel original movie?
Wish upon a star, Zenon (was that 90's?), I liked all the Disney Channel Movies!
11. Favourite music artist?
I loved the Spice Girls, Hansen, B*Witched, Backstreet Boys, LFO, and Britney Spears!
12. Favourite Nick Jr. show?
By the time that I got satellite TV with Nick Jr shows, I was really too old to watch Nick Jr. 
13. Favourite candy?
I have never been a huge candy or sweets person, even as a kid, but I do remember liking Wonder Balls, which were hollow chocolate balls with sour candy in the middle. I also like Chewy Sweet tarts, and Ring Pops!
14. Favourite game? (board game, school game, etc.)
Growing up I played a lot of board games with my family! I have so many great memories from that! I really liked Pop-o-matic Trouble, Monopoly, and life, but my FAVORITE was Disney Trivia. I was a beast at Disney Trivia, and could beat my family every time! I got so good at it, that my family started making me do the adult trivia questions! haha
15. Favourite McDonald's Happy Meal toy?
Mini Beanie Babies, and Mini Cabbage Patch Dolls!
16. Favourite book?
My mom would always read to my sister and I before bed, and we loved listening to the Baily School Kids books! They were so good! 
17. Favourite clothing store?
Growing up, I didn't like shopping at all. Around 4th or 5th grade I started caring a little about shopping, and really wanting to wear what everyone else was wearing. Limited Too was my favorite store!
18. What would you watch when you'd get home from school?
I didn't watch TV when I'd get home from school. I'd do my homework and then usually play outside. I was only allowed to watch 30 minutes of TV on school nights, so I usually planned out what I wanted to watch in advance!

I hope you enjoyed the 90's Kid Tag! I tag anyone who wants to do it!

I also made a video on it:

Hope you are having a wonderful week! 


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